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In this vignette we will use the example data from the BLueCarbon library to estimate the organic carbon stocks in the first 1 meter of blue carbon soils and the average OC fluxes to this soils in the last 100 years.

load example data

we load and stored them as dataframe. The first dataframe (core_comp) has field measurement data that we will use to estimate soil compaction at core collection. The second dataframe has (bluecarbon_data) laboratory data that we will use to correct core compaction, modelize and estimate organic carbon content in each sample from organic matter content, estimate the stock in the first meter of the core and estimate the average carbon fluxes in the last 100 years.

core compaction estimations

many field methods to extract soil cores can lead to the compaction in the material retrieved (e.g. manual percussion). The compaction percentage can be estimated knowing the diference between the original surface level of the soil and the surface level of the soil withing the sampler after core insertion and before retrieval.

estimate_compaction (core_comp,
                                 core= "core",
                                 sampler_length = "sampler_length",
                                 internal_distance = "internal_distance",
                                 external_distance = "external_distance")
#> Warning in estimate_compaction(core_comp, core = "core", sampler_length =
#> "sampler_length", : Removing cores with missing data: Sm_03_04
#>        core sampler_length internal_distance external_distance compaction
#> 1  Sg_01_01            200         35.000000         25.000000  5.7142857
#> 2  Sg_01_02            200         45.000000         35.000000  6.0606061
#> 3  Sg_01_03            200         86.000000         76.000000  8.0645161
#> 4  Sg_02_01            200         10.000000          0.000000  5.0000000
#> 5  Sg_02_02            200         60.000000         50.000000  6.6666667
#> 6  Sg_02_03            200         78.000000         68.000000  7.5757576
#> 7  Sg_03_01            200         52.000000         42.000000  6.3291139
#> 8  Sg_03_02            200          1.000000          1.000000  0.0000000
#> 9  Sg_03_03            200         98.000000         78.000000 16.3934426
#> 10 Sg_04_01            200         21.000000          1.000000 10.0502513
#> 11 Sg_04_02            200         36.000000         16.000000 10.8695652
#> 12 Sg_04_03            100         46.000000         26.000000 27.0270270
#> 13 Sg_05_01            100         90.000000         70.000000 66.6666667
#> 14 Sg_05_02            100         35.000000         15.000000 23.5294118
#> 15 Sg_05_03            100         12.000000         10.000000  2.2222222
#> 16 Sg_05_04            100         13.000000         10.000000  3.3333333
#> 17 Sg_05_05            100         60.000000         40.000000 33.3333333
#> 18 Sg_05_06            100         25.000000          5.000000 21.0526316
#> 19 Mg_01_01            100         80.000000         60.000000 50.0000000
#> 20 Mg_01_02            100         94.000000         74.000000 76.9230769
#> 21 Mg_01_03            100         66.000000         46.000000 37.0370370
#> 22 Sm_01_01            100         32.000000         12.000000 22.7272727
#> 23 Sm_01_02            200         45.000000         25.000000 11.4285714
#> 24 Sm_01_03            200         12.000000          8.000000  2.0833333
#> 25 Sm_02_01            200          5.000000          3.000000  1.0152284
#> 26 Sm_02_02            200          8.000000          7.000000  0.5181347
#> 27 Sm_03_01            200         51.000000         31.000000 11.8343195
#> 28 Sm_03_02            200         64.000000         44.000000 12.8205128
#> 29 Sm_03_03            200         32.000000         12.000000 10.6382979
#> 31 Sg_06_01            100         17.460606         12.460606  5.7117142
#> 32 Sg_06_02            100         13.854545          8.854545  5.4857371
#> 33 Sg_06_03            100         10.248485          5.248485  5.2769605
#> 34 Sg_06_04            100          6.642424          1.642424  5.0834925
#> 35 Sg_07_01            100          3.036364          1.000000  2.0569330
#> 36 Sg_07_02            100         52.000000         47.000000  9.4339623
#> 37 Sg_07_03            100          3.000000          1.000000  2.0202020
#> 38 Sg_08_01            100         65.000000         60.000000 12.5000000
#> 39 Sg_08_02            100         45.000000         40.000000  8.3333333
#> 40 Sg_08_03            100         23.000000         18.000000  6.0975610
#> 41 Sg_08_04            100         32.000000         27.000000  6.8493151
#> 42 Sg_08_05            100         33.000000         28.000000  6.9444444
#> 43 Sg_08_06            100         39.333333         34.333333  7.6142132
#> 44 Sg_08_07            200         44.333333         39.333333  3.1120332
#> 45 Sg_08_08            200         49.333333         44.333333  3.2119914
#> 46 Sg_08_09            200         54.333333         49.333333  3.3185841
#> 47 Sg_09_01            200         59.333333         54.333333  3.4324943
#> 48 Sg_09_02            200         64.333333         20.000000 24.6296296
#> 49 Sg_09_03            200         52.000000         52.000000  0.0000000
#> 50 Sg_09_04            200          6.000000          1.000000  2.5125628
#> 51 Sg_09_05            200         78.000000         73.000000  3.9370079
#> 52 Sg_09_06            200         20.000000         15.000000  2.7027027
#> 53 Sg_09_07            200         31.000000         26.000000  2.8735632
#> 54 Sg_09_08            200          4.000000          1.000000  1.5075377
#> 55 Sg_09_09            200          8.000000          3.000000  2.5380711
#> 56 Sg_10_01            200         22.000000         17.000000  2.7322404
#> 57 Sg_10_02            200         36.000000         31.000000  2.9585799
#> 58 Sm_07_01            200         81.000000         76.000000  4.0322581
#> 59 Sm_07_02            200          1.000000          1.000000  0.0000000
#> 60 Sm_07_03            200         12.000000          7.000000  2.5906736
#> 61 Mg_02_01            200          5.000000          0.000000  2.5000000
#> 62 Sg_11_01            100          8.000000          3.000000  5.1546392
#> 63 Sg_11_02            100         51.000000         46.000000  9.2592593
#> 64 Sg_11_03            100         64.000000         59.000000 12.1951220
#> 65 Sg_11_04            100          6.642424          1.642424  5.0834925
#> 66 Sg_11_05            100          3.036364          2.000000  1.0575139
#> 67 Sg_12_01            100         52.000000         47.000000  9.4339623
#> 68 Sg_12_02            100          3.000000          1.000000  2.0202020
#> 69 Sg_12_03            100         65.000000         60.000000 12.5000000
#> 70 Sm_08_01            100         45.000000         40.000000  8.3333333
#> 71 Sm_08_02            100         23.000000         18.000000  6.0975610
#> 72 Sm_08_03            100         32.000000         27.000000  6.8493151
#> 73 Sm_04_01            100         33.000000         28.000000  6.9444444
#> 74 Sm_04_02            100         39.333333         34.333333  7.6142132
#> 75 Sm_04_03            100         63.000000         58.000000 11.9047619
#> 76 Sm_04_04            100         48.000000         43.000000  8.7719298
#> 77 Sm_06_01            100          3.000000          1.000000  2.0202020
#> 78 Sm_06_01            100          2.000000          1.000000  1.0101010