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Accepts a data.frame with sample properties and compaction estimations and returns a modified version with sample properties corrected for compaction


  df = NULL,
  core = "core",
  compaction = "compaction",
  mind = "mind",
  maxd = "maxd",
  dbd = NULL



Data.frame with core properties


Character Name of the column with the id of the core to which the sample belongs


Character Name of the column with core compaction IN PERCENTAGE, as calculated with estimate_compaction().


Character Name of the column with minimum depth of the sample (depth at the top of the sample)


Character Name of the column with maximum depth of the sample (depth at the bottom of the sample)


Character Name of the column with dry bulk density


The initial data.frame with the addition of two columns with the corrected minimum and maximum depth of the samples (additionally, if a dry bulk density column is specified, it will return another column with corrected dry bulk density)


decompact(bluecarbon_data) |>
#> Warning: Setting compaction = 0 for these cores: Sm_03_04, Sg_10_02, Sg_11_03, Sm_05_01, Sm_06_01
#>    site     core ecosystem            species compaction mind maxd       dbd
#> 1 Sg_01 Sg_01_01  Seagrass Posidonia oceanica   5.714286    0    1 0.7352912
#> 2 Sg_01 Sg_01_01  Seagrass Posidonia oceanica   5.714286    1    2 0.9754336
#> 3 Sg_01 Sg_01_01  Seagrass Posidonia oceanica   5.714286    2    3 0.8698411
#> 4 Sg_01 Sg_01_01  Seagrass Posidonia oceanica   5.714286    3    4 1.0272564
#> 5 Sg_01 Sg_01_01  Seagrass Posidonia oceanica   5.714286    4    5 0.9307887
#> 6 Sg_01 Sg_01_01  Seagrass Posidonia oceanica   5.714286    5    6 1.4696196
#>         om oc age mind_corrected maxd_corrected
#> 1 6.554329 NA   8       0.000000       1.060606
#> 2       NA NA  13       1.060606       2.121212
#> 3 7.382634 NA  15       2.121212       3.181818
#> 4       NA NA  22       3.181818       4.242424
#> 5 8.026646 NA  29       4.242424       5.303030
#> 6       NA NA  35       5.303030       6.363636