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Estimates carbon stocks from soil core data down to a specified depth, 100 cm by default. If the core does not reach the standardized depth, it extrapolates the stock from a linear model between accumulated mass of organic carbon and depth.


  df = NULL,
  depth = 100,
  core = "core",
  mind = "mind_corrected",
  maxd = "maxd_corrected",
  dbd = "dbd",
  oc = "eoc"



A data.frame with core (core id), mind (minimum depth of the sample), maxd (maximum depth of the sample), dbd (dry bulk density), oc (organic carbon %)


mas depth to estimate the stock, by default 100.


Character Name of the column reporting core ID.


Character Name of the column reporting the minimum depth of each sample.


Character Name of the column reporting the maximum depth of each sample.


Character Name of the column reporting dry bulk density.


Character Name of the column reporting organic carbon concentrations.


data.frame with columns core, swc (organic carbon stock at the whole core), maxd (maximum depth of the core), and stock (organic carbon stock at the standardized depth)


bluecarbon_decompact <- decompact(bluecarbon_data)
#> Warning: Setting compaction = 0 for these cores: Sm_03_04, Sm_03_04, Sm_03_04, Sm_03_04, Sm_03_04, Sm_03_04, Sm_03_04, Sg_10_02, Sg_10_02, Sg_10_02, Sg_10_02, Sg_10_02, Sg_11_03, Sg_11_03, Sg_11_03, Sg_11_03, Sg_11_03, Sg_11_03, Sg_11_03, Sg_11_03, Sg_11_03, Sg_11_03, Sg_11_03, Sg_11_03, Sm_05_01, Sm_05_01, Sm_05_01, Sm_05_01, Sm_05_01, Sm_05_01, Sm_06_01, Sm_06_01, Sm_06_01, Sm_06_01, Sm_06_01, Sm_06_01
oc <- estimate_oc(bluecarbon_decompact)

#> Warning: The following cores had samples with organic carbon values below the organic carbon range used to built the model: Sg_04_01, Sm_04_03, Sm_04_04, Sm_05_01
#> Warning: The following cores had samples with organic carbon values above the organic carbon range used to built the model: Sg_04_01, Sm_03_01, Sm_04_02, Sm_04_03, Sm_04_04, Sm_05_01
out <- estimate_oc_stock(oc[[1]])