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Example dataset of geochemical data from seagrass, salt marsh and mangroves soil cores. It does not contain real data. All variables needed to estimate organic carbon stocks and fluxes are included. Different cores are provided one below the other and samples from the same core are grouped together and ordered from the sample closed to the core soil surface to the deepest. There are three ID columns: site, core, ecosystem and species. Site refers to the ID given to the sampling location of the core. Core is the Id of each individual core (replicate cores would have the same site IDs but different cores IDs). Ecosystem refers to the type of ecosystem were the core was collected and species to the type of vegetation in the sampling area. Species could either be the name of the species or a code referring to a mixture of different species (e.g. "Low", meaning the dominant species usually found at low marsh areas).

Compression indicates the percentage of compression suffered by the core during retrieval. Minimum and maximum depths (mind and maxd) are the depth of the top and bottom of each sample in the core respectively. Dry bulk density (dbd) is the dry weight of each sample divided by the volume occupied in the core (before compression correction). om and oc are the percentage of organic matter and organic carbon in the sample. age refers to the age of the sample where the top of the core has age 0. Ages of the samples are estimated from age-depth models.





A data frame with 1719 rows and 11 columns:


character column with the id of the sampling locatios


character column with the id of the core


character column with the name of the ecosystem, "seagrass", "salt marsh" or "mangrove"


character column with the main species or ecosystem type


numbers between 0 and 100


number column with the upper depth of each sample


number column with the lower depth of each sample


number column with dry bulk density values, mass/volumen


number column with percentage of organic matter, numbers between 0 and 100


number column with percentage of organic carbon, numbers between 0 and 100


number column with age of the sample, years from sampling, positive numbers


data from cores collected by the authors that has been anonymized and modified to cover different cases that may occur when using the package. It no longer represent any existing dataset.