Example data to create herbarium labels
ID | Collector | Collection_number | Assistants | Family | Taxon | Author | det | Det_date | life_form | Observations | Height | Location | Area_description | Elevation | Date | Latitude | Longitude | QR_code |
1 | Hermione Granger | 2 | Sprout, P., Potter, H., Weasley, R. | SOLANACEAE | Mandragora officinarum | L. | Sprout, P. | 05/09/1995 | Herb | Collected at the seedling stage; loud and harmful crying noise | 45cm. Root diameter 2.5cm aprox. | Cargan, Antrim Glens, Northern Ireland. | Marsh vegetation; mainly dominated by sedges and rushes. | 12 m.a.s.l. | 25/07/94 | 54.9886 N | -6.1392 E | https://www.clarin.com/img/2021/12/20/5jTLngUq9_1256x620__1.jpg |
2 | Ron Weasley | 5 | Potter, H. | SALICACEAE | Salix muhammadalii subsp. robusta | Huff. | Sprout, P. | 01/09/1992 | Tree | Only known extant individual, near to the Hogwarts Castle. | 7.5 m. | Hogwarts Gardens, Hogsmeade, Scotland (UK) | Open grassland, near the Foridden Forest. | 250 m.a.s.l. | 01/09/92 | 57.4223 N | -3.0869 E | https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1483325459410929390/8FE97A548651369A35C35018271913794CAD7CEA/?imw=512&&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false |
3 | Dobby H.E. | 1 | Winky H.E. | Zosteraceae | Zostera phycobranchia | (Huff.) Sprout | Longbottom, N. | 13/11/1994 | Aquatic herb | First known locality outside the Mediterranean Sea. | Maximum height of 15 cm, but rhizomes deep to 40-60 cm into the ground. | Great Yarmouth, Norwich, United Kingdom | 15 m from the shore into the sea, forming a monospecific subacuatic prairie. | -3 m.a.s.l. | 10/11/1994 | 52.629060 N | 1.745356 E | http://harrypotterdiagon.blogspot.com/2018/01/branquialgas.html |
4 | Pomona Sprout | 1990-301a | Dumbledore, A. | Suffocaceae | Lucifericaptia obscura | Slyth. | Sprout, P. | 01/07/1990 | Bush | Collected 15m beneath the ground level, where no sunlight could reach. | 1.5 m. | South Stoke, Arundel, United Kingdom. | Karstic cave. No other plants found due to the lack of light. | 25 m.a.s.l. | 08/05/86 | 50.8638 N | -0.5599 E | https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DbpafnCWAAEOI-X.jpg |
5 | Luna Lovegood | 5 | Xenophilius Lovegood | rosaceae | Prunus zeppelin | Rav. | Lovegood, X. | 06/08/1996 | Tree | Cultivated for gardening purposes. | 2 m. | Ottery St. Catchpole, Devon, England (UK). | Garden | 40 m.a.s.l. | 06/08/1996 | 50.7602 N | -3.2653 E | https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/habbo-potter/images/8/85/Dirigible_Plum.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20180611174816 |
6 | Algie Longbottom | 3 | Longbottom, N. | Mimbulaceae | Mimbulus mimbletonia | Spore | Sprout, P. | 25/10/1995 | Herb | Desert plant usually used as ornamental. Potenial invasive alien species in the British isles. | 30 cm. | Tel Afar, Ninaua, Assyria | Desert nearby the Tigris river, with some other reptant and crass plants (Tribulus terrestris, Apteranthes europaea). | 298 m.a.s.l. | 15/07/1995 | 36.881382N | 42.492363E | https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQJhvrsQWmyOJFSJFMhPdIXuhjAONN6bXWmlQ&usqp=CAU |